Friday, February 28, 2014


Spheroidal - adj. Shaped like a spheroid; approximately spherical.
It is situated on a plane anterior to the other carpal bones and is spheroidal in form.
Conventional - adj. Conforming or adhering to accepted standards, as of conduct or taste
Conventional wisdom says such discoveries should not be happening now.
Existence - n. The state or fact of existing; being.
The world will be a better place to live in by virtue of his existence and his presence.
Primordial - adj. Constituting a beginning; giving origin to something derived or developed; original; elementary
This grotesque outcome follows naturally from the primordial lie.
Sufficient - adj. Adequate for the purpose; enough
None of these points are discussed in detail or backed up with sufficient evidence.
Conjectured - n. The formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.
Conspiratorially minded types conjectured that it might be a prototype for an orbiting bomber.
Stabilize - v. To make or hold stable, firm, or steadfast.
The utility no longer plans to fill up the reactors with water to stabilize them, it said.
Portal - n. A door, gate, or entrance, especially one of imposing appearance, as to a palace.
Accustomed to portal environments, subscribers misunderstand requests for information at individual sites.
Concept - n. A general notion or idea; conception.
Not finding it can be viewed several ways, which should include the idea that our original concept was flawed.
Projectile - n. An object fired from a gun with an explosive propelling charge, such as a bullet, shell, rocket, or grenade.
Scientists can then predict when an impact event occurred and the size of the projectile.
Antics - n. A playful trick or prank; caper.
By contrast, those studying the proteome have been self-effacing, which is why the news is not full of their antics.
Startling - v. To cause to start involuntarily, by or as by a sudden shock.
The consistency of its response to beauty in the study was startling.
Deceptively - adj. Perceptually misleading
It looks like a curved line, but it's deceptive.
Implications - n. Something implied or suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood
But there are more far-reaching societal implications to consider.
Equivalence - n. The state or fact of being equivalent; equality in value, force, significance, etc.
Capital and income are not taxed with any mathematical equivalence, and inflation is not directly addressed.
Precipitously - adj. Extremely or impassably steep
If the dollar devalues precipitously or inflation spikes, the purchasing power-or real value-of your savings will wither.
Perceptible - adj. Capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable
At the flick of a switch this vehicle went from petrol to hydrogen fuel with no perceptible change in its handling.
Inconsistency - n. The quality or condition of being inconsistent.
While there may seem to be an inconsistency here, the distinction lies in the culture in which the practice was filmed.
Postulate - v. To ask, demand, or claim.
Einstein postulated that electricity is faster than light.
Conundrum - n. Anything that puzzles.
Astronomers have proposed two solutions to this conundrum.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Purge - v. To rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.
The hypocrisy of last year's purge of long-term faculty is now obvious, especially to students.
Crucial - adj. Involving an extremely important decision or result; decisive; critical: a crucial experiment.
Studies show that coaches often make poor choices in crucial situations.
Wailed - v. To utter a prolonged, inarticulate, mournful cry, usually high-pitched or clear-sounding, as in grief or suffering
We were only a few blocks from home when the air-raid siren wailed.
Caustic - adj. Severely critical or sarcastic
His caustic and satirical humor expressed itself in a style that astounded government departments.
Canvass - v. To solicit votes, subscriptions, opinions, or the like from
Canvassed on behalf of the Labor party.
Sibylline - adj. Of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular.
In these sibylline leaves are gathered the scattered prophecies of the past upon the cases in which the ax will fall.
Tenuous - adj. Lacking a sound basis, as reasoning; unsubstantiated; weak
Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state.
Supercilious - adj. Haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
The supercilious bearing of the old nobility could not be borne by the new peers.
Bleak - adj. Bare, desolate, and often windswept
In light of human population pressures and deforestation, the future appears bleak for the wild tiger.
Mellifluous - adj. Sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding
The most noteworthy thing about him is his mellifluous voice.
Conversely - adj. Opposite or contrary in direction, action, sequence, etc.; turned around.
And, conversely, the perception of rhythm in things external to oneself is both easy and pleasurable.
Curvature - n. The act of curving or the state of being curved.
By tweaking the features of the model fish, they could estimate how body curvature affected range.
Calibrations - v. To determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
Calibrate the thermometer to his desired settings?
Wormhole - n. A theoretical passageway in space between a black hole and a white hole.
Gravity would crush the throat of the wormhole, destroying any travelers trying to reach the other side.
Theories - n. A coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena
Demands on it grew continuously, and theories of what it might capably do expanded to meet those demands.
Limitations - n. A limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity; inability or handicap
Not because we're above it, but because at some point one must realize their own limitations.
Instantaneously - adj. Occurring, done, or completed in an instant
Enter the letters on your tile rack and instantaneously, words you probably never knew existed appear for your selection and use.
Vicariously - adj. Performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another
What an enjoyable article, it was great fun to visit these old saloons vicariously.
Exotic - adj. Of foreign origin or character; not native; introduced from abroad, but not fully naturalized or acclimatized: exotic foods
Immigrant fish can also carry exotic diseases or can be aggressive predators that threaten native populations directly.
Theoretically - adj. Of, pertaining to, or consisting in theory; not practical (distinguished from applied )
Sheep and humans are both mammals and the technology used to clone one species could theoretically be applied to the other.

Monday, February 24, 2014


I am building a network of individuals that share a branch of what I my topic is. My topic is about mathematics but it can break up into many different things since it is a broad response. I am inviting you to collaborate with me:
Matthew Berumen:
Taylor Harms:
Alfredo Medina:
Matt Reynolds:
Uriel Palacios:
Miranda Nillo:

Mathematical Resources

The Use of Mathematics in Everyday Life :

Understanding the World Through Math :

A history of the calculus :

Isaac Newton :

How Does One Do Mathematical Research? (Or Maybe How Not To) :

New math theories reveal the nature of numbers :

Astrophysical Resources

What is a Wormhole? :

Time Travel: Theories, Paradoxes & Possibilities :

Stephen Hawking - Black Hole Time Travel :

Stephen Hawking - The Mad Scientist Paradox :

What if you traveled faster than the speed of light? :


Viewpoint: What’s Inside a Black Hole’s Horizon? :

Every Black Hole Contains a New Universe :

Psychological Resources

Why are we so curious? :

Does curiosity inspire learning? :

Motivation :

Who's Minding the Mind? :

Unlocking the Secrets and Powers of the Brain :


With a little collaboration I think that my blog and my colleagues' blogs will be in tip top shape. We all having one thing that we may know that someone else doesn't know and it will help them a lot. Also there can be multiple connections with the other topics and people can end up working together. We can share resources, experts and valuable advice. Another thing is that with this we can learn to be interdependent and build a network. That network can grow and become something great or it can be small and still be good. The decision to continue this after high school is something that us, the students, have to make ourselves. Though this is practice to obtain knowledge on our topic just like how colleges and universities homework might be like.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

PEER REVIEW  Your blog is organized and has a nice background. It looks more personalized.  Your blog is too bland. The black with black isn't a good color mix but it is at least organized.  To begin with this blog looked well organized, many little gadgets and widgets being used. Now the actual content was pretty good, had many meaningful posts that were not just simple assignments.  This blog looks very well organized and it seems to me that it is coming along very nicely. The color scheme needs some work and the background as well.  The color scheme on isn't that good. It's too dark and there's no background. The content is good and in detail. I like the gadgets in there and I see the blog being better.


What I am trying to accomplish is to create a network of people who wish to discuss, share or find new and interesting ideas. That is my plan however I am still in the critical early stage of this endeavor. I have to establish the principles and basics of this ongoing project. It is an important step because every building needs a strong and sturdy foundation, in order for it to stand up straight.
The principles and basics I am talking about are your standard work ethics policy. I must do my job every day to the best of capabilities; show up on time, etc. You have probably heard that policy before, if not know you are familiar with it. Well that policy applies to me as well even though I am just a high school student doing a blog for my English class. I have to not procrastinate, be lazy nor not show up at all. This blog is my job, though a small fraction of my job since I have four other classes to worry about. Nevertheless it requires effort and dedication.
With the foundation building up nicely I have to start planning about the next step and how I am going to launch it. I was thinking of gathering up resources and picking the most interesting ones to write about in a blog post. Those resources shall be a weekly thing that I will start in this upcoming week. The rest of the resources shall be listed under topics and I will add more gadgets to my blog for easier access and navigation. This shall be known as step two.
This next step which is still in development shall be known as the audience stage. I start some sort of talk show where I can have some colleagues come visit and we can exchange ideas and if it really gets going I can invite some guest speakers to my class where they are in person or via webcam. I also have my other ideas that involve this stage but it’s still in development so nothing is promised.
My masterpiece essay is not only an assignment but it is also a reminder to me of what I plan to accomplish in the next couple of months before I graduate. This is the plan, the guide of my project, a checklist of things to do, and a reminder to go after it and get it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Truth About Gathering Resources...

Okay so at first I thought to myself, "Hey this is going to be a piece of cake. All I have to do is just research my topic and I'll be on my way." I was wrong about that because as I tried to search for resources I ran into a little big problem. I had no idea what to research since my topic is math. I didn't know where to begin and like I just ignored the resources in total. I should be up to about twenty by now but I kept using the excuse of "I don't know where to start." to justify me not doing my work. I know it's wrong but I did it anyway. I sure plenty of people have used that excuse before as well. It was until now that I truly knew what to look up. I will continue to do my research and get those resources for you guys. I hope you guys will enjoy what I have in store for this blog. Leave some feedback in the future when I start posting some stuff. Haha until next time.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The sub-topics that are in my field are:
computer programming


I am really passionate about math. I think math is a wonderful thing and isn't appreciated as much as it should. I want to make a career out of it and go to the teaching field. I will the blog, my teacher with his connections and knowledge, and the internet. In order for this is succeed and have it feel that I hit a home run I will need to out my heart and soul into this. Which should be easy since I am already interested and passionate about it. The work that I accomplish will convince and impress others in my life and field. In order to take this idea and turn it into reality is to research, research, research. That's the first and most important step. The experts that I will have in the my personal learning network will be my fellow classmate, and my teachers and the people of the internet.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Compact - adj. Joined or packed together; closely and firmly united; dense;solid
The soil here is nice and compact. Perfect for growing vegetables.
Competence - n. The quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity
He hired her because of her competence as an accountant.
Defensible - adj. Capable of being defended against assault or injury
The troops were cornered in a defensible position.
Discrete - adj. Apart or detached from others; separate; distinct
Six discrete parts were found in a lab fifty miles away from the town.
Elegant - adj. Tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design, etc.
She likes the fancy elegant things in life.
Exponential - n. Any positive constant raised to a power.
Extracting - v. To get, pull, or draw out, usually with special effort, skill, or force
The dentist is extracting my tooth as we speak!
Fluctuation - n. Continual change from one point or condition to another
The electricity fluctuates from rod to rod.  
Frailties - n. The quality or state of being frail.
The frailty of human flesh as we age in life.
Genuine - adj. Possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin; not counterfeit; authentic; real
A genuine smile is what she gave me when I held out flowers.
Infused - v. To introduce, as if by pouring; cause to penetrate; instill
The energetic new principal infused new life into the school.
Innate - adj. Existing in one from birth; inborn; native
He has innate musical talent.
Innovation - n. Something new or different introduced
There are numerous innovations in the high-school curriculum.
Interrelated - adj. Reciprocally or mutually related
There was an interrelated series of experiments.
Paradox - n. A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
There are many paradoxes in this world.
Pessimistically - adj. Pertaining to or characterized by pessimism; gloomy
That man had a pessimistic outlook on life.
Practical - adj. Of or pertaining to practice or action
Practical mathematics.
Relevance - n. The condition of being relevant, or connected with the matter at hand
Some traditional institutions of the media lack relevance in this digital age.
Tessellate - v. To form of small squares or blocks, as floors or pavements; form or arrange in a checkered or mosaic pattern.
Have students make predictions about which shapes will tessellate.
Transistor - n. Electronics: a semiconductor device that amplifies, oscillates, or switches the flow of current between two terminals by varying the current or voltage between one of the terminals and a third: although much smaller in size than a vacuum tube, it performs similar functions without requiring current to heat a cathode.
In your paper, you write that the main driver of increased performance has been reducing transistor sizes.