Tuesday, September 10, 2013

vocabulary: fall #3

Accomplice - n. A person who helps another commit a crime
My accomplice and I robbed a bank the other day.
Annihilate - v. Destroy utterly, obliterate
A simple bomb of this type could annihilate them all.
Arbitrary - adj. Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
His mealtimes were entirely arbitrary.
Brazen - adj. Shameless or impudent
She made brazen overtures to a man who never had a friend.
Catalyst - n. A person or thing that precipitates an event or change
His imprisonment by the government served as the catalyst that helped transform social unrest into revolution.
Exodus - n. A going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people
The summer exodus to the country and shore.
Facilitate - v. To make easier or less difficult; help forward
Careful planning facilitates any kind of work.
Incorrigible - adj. Not corrigible; bad beyond correction or reform
He has an incorrigible behavior that gets on peoples nerves.
Latent - adj. Present but not visible, apparent, or actualized; existing as potential
He has hidden latent ability.
Militant - adj. Vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause
As soon as the military start using tear gas the peaceful protesters turned into militant reformers.
Morose - adj. Gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood
He has been so morose today, thinking of everything he failed at.
Opaque - adj. Not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through
The windows were opaque from the smoke of the house fire.
Paramount - adj. Chief in importance or impact; supreme; preeminent
A point of paramount significance.
Prattle - v. To talk in a foolish or simple-minded way; chatter; babble
Their prattle is the soothing small-talk that takes our minds off more serious matters.
Rebut - v. To refute by evidence or argument
They should not only study their own point of view, but be prepared to rebut the ideas of the opposing group.
Reprimand - n. A severe reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a person in authority
The escort grabbed them and sent them away with a reprimand.
Servitude - n. Slavery or bondage of any kind
Liberation from indentured servitude is an entirely worthy objective.
Slapdash - adv. In a hasty, haphazard manner
He assembled the motor slapdash.
Stagnant - adj. Not flowing or running, as water, air, etc.
Family incomes are stagnant, but tuition keeps going up.
Succumb - v. To give way to superior force; yield
To succumb to despair.

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