Saturday, March 1, 2014


Entanglement - n. Something that entangles; snare; involvement; complication.
But the biggest threats to these whales are collisions with shipping vessels and entanglement in fishing gear.
Monogamous - adj. Practicing or advocating monogamy.
Whether they are more unstable than monogamous marriages may be hard to say.
Cryptography - n. The procedures, processes, methods, etc., of making and using secret writing, as codes or ciphers.
Unfortunately, much of the information online about email encryption and cryptography is unnecessarily detailed and complex.
Envision - v. To picture mentally, especially some future event or events
As a good mental exercise try to envision money as deleted from a mental image of the problem.
Arbitrary - adj. Subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion
The result is an overly complicated and somewhat arbitrary system, but still much better than nothing.
Vicinity - n. The area or region near or about a place; surrounding district; neighborhood
Using the application a tourist can stroll through the streets of a city and view the names of the landmarks in the vicinity.
Distinguished - adj. Made conspicuous by excellence; noted; eminent; famous
Antarctic terns can be distinguished by their bright red bills, feet, and legs.
Oblivious - adj. Unmindful; unconscious; unaware
People surge into the shallows, oblivious of the shark danger.
Advocates - v. To speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly
But many solar advocates wonder why the government is not acting as cautiously when it comes to drilling for oil and gas.
Ardent - adj. Having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent
The young cosmetics salesman now is discovering that women are ardent shoppers.
Implementations - n. The act of implementing, or putting into effect; fulfillment
The implementation of policies to conserve energy will involve personal sacrifice.
Notion - n. A general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something
A notion of how something should be done.
Reconciled - v. To cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired
 He was reconciled to his fate.
Emitted - v. To send forth (liquid, light, heat, sound, particles, etc.); discharge.
Mouse pheromones are chemicals emitted in the urine.
Inevitable - adj. Unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary
In his mind, the outcome was always inevitable-and triumphant.
Coalesced - v. To blend or come together
Their ideas coalesced into one theory.
Celestial - adj.  Pertaining to the sky or visible heaven, or to the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as in celestial body
Although humanoid in form, he has two hearts and almost-celestial intelligence.
Repulsive - adj. Causing repugnance or aversion
The scene at the depot was repulsive and nauseating, but no more revolting to witness than any surgical operation.
Immensely - adj. Vast; huge; very great
There are moments of existence when time and space are more profound, and the awareness of existence is immensely heightened.

Recoil - v. To spring or fly back, as in consequence of force of impact or the force of the discharge, as a firearm.
But while those countries recoil from atomic energy, others are committing to a nuclear future.

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