Monday, August 19, 2013


1. They're no factors that will affect my participation in this class. My schedule to me is perfect. I have access to both a computer and smart phone so getting online won't be a problem.

2. A learning experience that changes me was my art class last year. I had this super cool teacher who made art fun for me. She knew I had potential even though I didn't consider myself a good artist. She helped me with my art skills. She let the class choose what picture we want to do the assignment on. It gave me a sense of freedom knowing that I get to choose on what picture to draw or paint. That's what art is. Freedom. This helped me learn the art skills that I now use whenever I draw. My friend sat next to me in that class and experienced the same thing. We both noticed that we were gradually improving ourselves in an everyday basis. I knew this was happening when I ended up getting a golden warrior award for having the best grid expansion in the class. Me and my friend were always giving each other feedback on our projects and our teacher made the class room setting feel natural. She taught us well.

3. The thing that I'm most excited about is this blog. I am optimistic about what's to come with the blog. This new style of learning has proven to be fun. I feel like I can answer questions more freely than if I did from a textbook. I think this can make a difference in my life with how my perceptive is with learning.

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