Sunday, August 25, 2013


In the article "The Blame Game And Obesity In America" from CBSNEWS it talks who really is to blame for obesity in America. It starts off by saying that it is not only the companies fault but the consumers as well. We are the ones that end up buying the food and eating it so we're partially to blame. That doesn't mean that the companies are off the hook. They are to blame as well with the marketing techniques they use. The article also talks about how science lagged with nutrition and obesity facts. According to the article food industries suffer from nutrition research overload with foods that contradict scientific findings and appealing to the general public. Even if the companies succeed they're success can be broken by scientific findings. Some companies have stated that they are putting some good ingredients to try to replace the bad ones. In the end we have the choice what we want to eat and what we put into our bodies.

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