Monday, September 30, 2013


The way Jobs described the value of life was more obvious. He put it out there for the reader to pick up. Jobs said "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." which is something that we already know from an adult telling us, a movie, or etc. I agree with him 100% because it's your life not theirs. Jobs also says in his speech that we shouldn't let other peoples' thinking get to us. In the third to last paragraph it says "Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice." which I think is something wise to say. We live in a world where people care too much on what others say about us and it affects our thinking because all we want to do it fit in. That quote gives reassurance to the people who are in the border of going with what others say or staying with what they think is them. Overall Steve Jobs is saying that we should live in the moment and seize the day. We should follow our hearts and intuition because they already know what we what to do, somehow.

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